:: trade fair news
meet us in hamburg at the SMM 2024
3 – 6 september
Learn all about us and our services at the biggest trade fair for the maritime industry in Hamburg, Germany. You will find us here – Hall A4, Stand A4.302
Download: smm-area-plan
:: jobs
we are hiring:
Service Technician/
Field Service Engineer
Scan Turbo is a globally recognised company with decades of experience in the trade, service and repair of turbochargers and 2-stroke and 4-stroke engines. We attach great importance to flexibility and customer satisfaction. To strengthen our team in Bremen/Bremerhaven we are looking for you for an immediate permanent position.
Your main tasks
• Taking responsibility for repairs
• Inspections and maintenance work on diesel and gas
and gas engines worldwide
• Deployment in the areas of marine and industrial engines on site
at our customers and in our workshop
Your key qualifications
• Completed vocational training, for example as a mechatronics
technician, industrial mechanic, car mechanic or similar
• Good knowledge of diesel engine technology
• Skilled in using a PC/laptop
and a good command of written and spoken English
• Ability to work independently and autonomously
and the willingness to travel
• Flexibility, assertiveness and the ability to communicate
and the ability to work in a team round off your profile
We offer
• Permanent employment
• Full time job
• Excellent working atmosphere
• Quick business decisions
• Training opportunities
• Worldwide work activity
If the above mentioned applies to you,
we are looking forward to your job application:
Scan Turbo
Handels- und Service GmbH
Kleiner Westring 15
D-27572 Bremerhaven
wir suchen:
Servicetechniker (m|w|d)
im Außendienst
Scan Turbo ist ein weltweit anerkanntes Unternehmen mit jahrzehntelanger Erfahrung im Bereich Handel, Service und Reparatur von Turboladern sowie 2-Takt- und 4-Takt-Motoren. Wir legen großen Wert auf Flexibilität und Kundenzufriedenheit. Zur Team-Verstärkung im Standort Bremen/Bremerhaven suchen wir Sie für eine sofortige Festanstellung.
Ihre Aufgaben
• Eigenverantwortliche Übernahme von Reparaturen
• Inspektionen und Wartungsarbeiten von Diesel-
und Gasmotoren im weltweiten Einsatz
• Einsatz in den Bereichen Marine- und Industriemotoren vor Ort
bei unseren Kunden und in unserer Werkstatt
Ihr Profil
• Abgeschlossene Berufsausbildung zum Beispiel als Mechatroniker,
Industriemechaniker, Kfz-Mechaniker oder ähnliches
• Gute Kenntnisse im Bereich Dieselmotorentechnik
• Gewandt im Umgang mit dem PC/Laptop
sowie gute Englischkenntnisse in Wort und Schrift
• Selbstständiges, eigenverantwortliches Arbeiten
sowie die Bereitschaft zu reisen
• Flexibilität, Durchsetzungsvermögen, sowie Kommunikations-
und Teamfähigkeit runden Ihr Profil ab
Wir bieten
• Festanstellung
• Vollzeit
• Ein hervorragendes Betriebsklima
• Kurze Wege, schnelle Entscheidungen
• Weiterbildung
• Weltweite Tätigkeit
Wenn wir Ihr Interesse geweckt haben,
dann freuen wir uns sehr über Ihre Bewerbung unter:
Scan Turbo
Handels- und Service GmbH
Kleiner Westring 15
D-27572 Bremerhaven
Scan Turbo is a globally recognised company with decades of experience in the trade, service and repair of turbochargers and 2-stroke and 4-stroke engines. We attach great importance to flexibility and customer satisfaction. To strengthen our team in Bremen/Bremerhaven we are looking for you for an immediate permanent position.
Your main tasks
• Taking responsibility for repairs
• Inspections and maintenance work on diesel and gas
and gas engines worldwide
• Deployment in the areas of marine and industrial engines on site
at our customers and in our workshop
Your key qualifications
• Completed vocational training, for example as a mechatronics
technician, industrial mechanic, car mechanic or similar
• Good knowledge of diesel engine technology
• Skilled in using a PC/laptop
and a good command of written and spoken English
• Ability to work independently and autonomously
and the willingness to travel
• Flexibility, assertiveness and the ability to communicate
and the ability to work in a team round off your profile
We offer
• Permanent employment
• Full time job
• Excellent working atmosphere
• Quick business decisions
• Training opportunities
• Worldwide work activity
If the above mentioned applies to you,
we are looking forward to your job application:
Scan Turbo
Handels- und Service GmbH
Kleiner Westring 15
D-27572 Bremerhaven
Scan Turbo ist ein weltweit anerkanntes Unternehmen mit jahrzehntelanger Erfahrung im Bereich Handel, Service und Reparatur von Turboladern sowie 2-Takt- und 4-Takt-Motoren. Wir legen großen Wert auf Flexibilität und Kundenzufriedenheit. Zur Team-Verstärkung im Standort Bremen/Bremerhaven suchen wir Sie für eine sofortige Festanstellung.
Ihre Aufgaben
• Eigenverantwortliche Übernahme von Reparaturen
• Inspektionen und Wartungsarbeiten von Diesel-
und Gasmotoren im weltweiten Einsatz
• Einsatz in den Bereichen Marine- und Industriemotoren vor Ort
bei unseren Kunden und in unserer Werkstatt
Ihr Profil
• Abgeschlossene Berufsausbildung zum Beispiel als Mechatroniker,
Industriemechaniker, Kfz-Mechaniker oder ähnliches
• Gute Kenntnisse im Bereich Dieselmotorentechnik
• Gewandt im Umgang mit dem PC/Laptop
sowie gute Englischkenntnisse in Wort und Schrift
• Selbstständiges, eigenverantwortliches Arbeiten
sowie die Bereitschaft zu reisen
• Flexibilität, Durchsetzungsvermögen, sowie Kommunikations-
und Teamfähigkeit runden Ihr Profil ab
Wir bieten
• Festanstellung
• Vollzeit
• Ein hervorragendes Betriebsklima
• Kurze Wege, schnelle Entscheidungen
• Weiterbildung
• Weltweite Tätigkeit
Wenn wir Ihr Interesse geweckt haben,
dann freuen wir uns sehr über Ihre Bewerbung unter:
Scan Turbo
Handels- und Service GmbH
Kleiner Westring 15
D-27572 Bremerhaven
:: in the news
the news portal NORD24.DE reports about Scan Turbo
Read the complete online article »Monteure sind weltweit im Einsatz« on Nord24.
Go to article: nord24.de/news
:: perfection is our vision
our passion for quality has no room for compromise
Scan Turbo’s work force of highly qualified service technicians has many years of experience in servicing all types of turbochargers. We are equipped with the most advanced service material. Our specialty is to overhaul and service all ABB, MAN, Mitsubishi, Napier and Bannewitz turbochargers.
«We would like to thank Scan Turbo for services rendered on seven Oldendorff vessels. Every job has always been completed to our fullest satisfaction. We are impressed with your worldwide service 24/7 and your flexibility. We highly recommend your assistance.»
– Egon Oldendorff
Each rotor undergoes comprehensive inspections and tests. Imbalances will be corrected after a thorough check on our computerized Schenck balancing machine.
:: flexibility is our strength
premium service around the world, around the clock
We are well aware of the fact, that shipping is a 24 hours and 7 days industry and are more than ready to meet its challenges. No matter where and when you should need us – the qualified Scan Turbo service teams will respond to your needs fast and straightforward.
We will help you in meeting your tight deadlines – everyday around the world. We even offer our clients a special overnight service guarantee. The flexibility and commitment of our entire team ensures that no precious time is wasted.
Seamlessly integrated teamwork is one of scan turbo’s important benefits. Only the most qualified and well trained personnel is authorized to work on location around the world.
:: precision is our mission
highest level work and performance you can afford
All turbochargers received for overhaul are completely dismantled and cleaned with all the necessary measurements being taken. If it is necessary, parts will be replaced. Precision is our mission, hence all work performed by Scan Turbo is documented and repair records are maintained for future references.
The damaged rotor blades will cause a significant loss of charge pressure and engine performance. Scan Turbo’s repair procedure is called tig (tungsten inert gas) welding. Finally all welded blades are checked for cracks using uv/penetrant inspection to ensure top quality and highest performance.
certified DIN ISO 9001:2015
So if you are interested in quality work and reasonable prices, don’t hesitate to contact us – anytime.
:: service overview
supported brands and manufacturers
Down below you will find a short performance overview:
service | spares | support
Our workshop is well equipped with all needed special tools for disassembling, measuring, investigation, reassembling and recondition. For balancing we have five Schenck palancing machines and factory trained staff for operating. Our workshop is DNV-certified for reconditioning turbine blades.
For your reference we are working close together with following companies: John T. Essberger | MAN Diesel & Turbo Hamburg | Harren und Partner | Reederei Hartmann | Sloman Neptun | SAL Heavy Lift | Reederei-Verwaltung Heino Winter | Reederei Claus Peter Offen | Reederei Drevin | UPAG | Zeppelin Power Systems.
We are certified ISO 9001:2015 for repair of turbocharges on motor vessels and stationary power plants and all related workshop repairs as well as trading with turbochager spareparts. Our Tier 1 and Tier II specialists are all certified and our company is approved by the following classification societies:
:: competence and team
your specialist in ultrasonic wall measurements
Avoiding damage, minimizing costs and minimizing costs are pleasant side effects if you include us «in good time» in your project planning. Our excellent measuring equipment allows us to do without the removal of «hard or soft coatings». Therefore, the work is done quickly and consistently by us. For assessments and procedures in the context of the entire process, our team draws on more than 10 years of professional experience.
Since we belong to no shipyard, our team can always work freely and independently and always keep the interests of the customer in focus. Whether class renewals, CAP surveys, intermediate surveys or internally aimed measurement work – they are no problem for us. The preparation and reporting in the respective class-specific TMs is always part of the project implementation.
We are certified ISO 9001:2015 for repair of turbocharges on motor vessels and stationary power plants and all related workshop repairs as well as trading with turbochager spareparts. Our Tier 1 and Tier II specialists are all certified and our company is approved by the following classification societies:
:: your team
capable, reliable and experienced
A team of dedicated professionals committed to exceeding your expectations.
Managing Director
Hartmut Okon
T +49-471-969165-13
T +49-171-2856109 (mobile)
F +49-471-969165-20
Business Manager
Carolyn Craycraft
T +49-471-969165-14
T +49-171-4960155 (mobile)
F +49-471-969165-20
Service Sales
Hendrik Helmers
T +49-471-969165-15
T +49-160-90706550 (mobile)
F +49-471-969165-20
Workshop Manager
Andreas Hans
T +49-471-969165-17
T +49-171-2867183 (mobile)
F +49-471-969165-20
Forwarding Department
Sven Schumacher
T +49-471-969165-39
F +49-471-969165-20
:: Head Office Location
Office Contact
T +49-471-969165-0
F +49-471-969165-20
T +49-471-969165-15
T +49-160-90706550 (mobile)
T +49-471-969165-17
T +49-171-2867183 (mobile)